We’ve got answers!
Product Questions
I have a nut allergy, is your chocolate safe to eat?
My delicious caffeinated chocolate is safe for most to enjoy, but it is NOT made in a nut-free facility and may contain traces of tree nuts and peanuts.
What are the ingredients in your chocolate?
Friends, my beloved caffeinated chocolate is made with simple, delicious ingredients. No artificial colors or flavors, no gluten, kosher and non-gmo. You can get all the details on your favorite flavor(s) by heading to the All Products page.
Doesn't all chocolate contain caffeine?
It's true, friends. Chocolate naturally contains a small amount of caffeine. According to the USDA, it's about 10 mg per ounce of chocolate. And, the darker the chocolate (i.e. the higher the cacao percentage), the more the caffeine. But friends, that's nowhere near enough caffeine to put more pep in your step.
That's where my beloved caffeinated chocolate comes in. Each bite sized piece is comparable to 1/2 cup of coffee (or 50 mg of caffeine) while each full sized bar (or 2 bites) is comparable to a whole cup of coffee (100 mg of caffeine).
What is chocolate bloom?
Spectacular question, friend! There are two kinds of chocolate bloom:
Sugar Bloom: If the chocolate has a grainy, rough texture and white appearance, it is probably sugar bloom. This happens when chocolate is exposed to moisture -- either stored in a humid environment OR transferred from cold storage to room temperature, which can cause condensation. In both cases, moisture dissolves some of the sugar on the chocolate's surface. When the moisture evaporates, the sugar re-solidifies and leaves behind the grainy, white texture or 'bloom'.
Fat Bloom: If there is a grayish film appearance on the chocolate, it is probably fat bloom. This happens when chocolate is stored (or transported) at too high a temperature. The high temperature causes the cocoa butter (fat) to soften and make its way to the surface of the chocolate.
Sometimes, fat bloom is also caused by other ingredients in the chocolate. For example, oil in the natural peanut butter filling of my beloved Peanut Butter chocolate bars and bites can sometimes make its way to the chocolate surface and cause bloom.
In all three cases: looks whitish, still safe to eat, still delish.
If you're looking for more facts about bloom, or you're justa food science enthusiast, here are some articles you might enjoy: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/blooming_chocolate
Why does my chocolate look whitish and old?
This is most likely a case of chocolate bloom, friend.
If the chocolate has a grainy, rough texture and white appearance, it is probably sugar bloom. This happens when chocolate is exposed to moisture -- either stored in a humid environment OR transferred from cold storage to room temperature, which can cause condensation. In both cases, moisture dissolves some of the sugar on the chocolate's surface. When the moisture evaporates, the sugar re-solidifies and leaves behind the grainy, white texture or 'bloom'.
If there is a grayish film appearance on the chocolate, it is probably fat bloom. This happens when chocolate is stored (or transported) at too high a temperature. The high temperature causes the cocoa butter (fat) to soften and make its way to the surface of the chocolate.
Sometimes, fat bloom is also caused by other ingredients in the chocolate. For example, oil in the natural peanut butter filling of my beloved Peanut Butter chocolate bars and bites can sometimes make its way to the chocolate surface and cause bloom.
In all three cases: looks whitish, still safe to eat, still delish.
If you're looking for more facts about bloom, or you're just a food science enthusiast, here are some articles you might enjoy: https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/blooming_chocolate
Is your chocolate Kosher?
Indeed it is, friends. My beloved chocolate is certified Kosher by The Orthodox Union.
Does your chocolate contain artificial colors or flavors?
Nope. Huzzah!
Where do you source your chocolate from?
My beloved caffeinated chocolate is made from ethically sourced, common-to-market cocoa processed by some of the largest suppliers in the world. It's turned into delicious bars and bites at our manufacturing facilities in Canada. All of our chocolate is Fairtrade certified.
How many calories are there in your chocolate?
Friends, the calorie count in my beloved chocolate varies a little by flavor and size. Check out the info on each product page.
Is there gluten in AWAKE Chocolate?
No gluten here, friends. Our chocolate is certified Gluten Free by the GFCO, meaning it’s produced in a gluten-free facility and safe for customers with gluten intolerance or Celiac disease.
What ingredients are used in No Sugar Added flavors?
What is Maltitol?
Maltitol is a sugar alcohol. Sugar alcohols are found naturally in some fruits and vegetables. Maltitol contains half as many calories as sugar and is 90% as sweet.
Maltitol is considered a safe alternative to sugar. Maltitol allows you to get a sweetness that is close to that of sugar, but with fewer calories. It also doesn’t have the unpleasant after taste that other sugar substitutes tend to have. This can help you to stick to a lower-calorie diet if you’re trying to lose weight or manage diabetes.
Maltitol, and other sugar alcohols, also don’t cause cavities or tooth decay like sugar and other sweeteners do.
(source link: Healthline)
Is your no sugar added line keto friendly?
Yes! All of our NO SUGAR ADDED products are keto-friendly, at only 60 calories per piece. Our Almond Sea Salt contains 3g of net carbs per piece, and our Peanut Butter contains 2g net carbs per piece!
Shipping & Delivery
Can I place a wholesale order online?
If you're interested in becoming a wholesale customer, please email my handlers at info@awakechocolate.com, referencing 'wholesale' in the subject line.
My handlers will reach out to collect some necessary information from you, such as a purchase volume forecast and a resale exemption certificate. Things will get moving from there.
Where is my order?
If you're checking this question, let me offer you my sincere apologies, friend.
All locations in the lower 48 states should receive shipment within 2 business days (though many are reached in one day). Since my handlers don't want your chocolate sitting in transit over the weekend, orders received Thursday through Sunday are shipped on Mondays. That means that if you order on Thursday, there's a good chance you won't receive your chocolate until the following Wednesday.
You should have received an email containing shipping confirmation with your tracking details within 1 business day of your order. Alas, sometimes technology is unreliable. My handlers will happily provide you with an ETA if you reach out to them at info@awakechocolate.com Please include your order number in the subject line.
How long will it take to get my order?
Locations in the lower 48 states are generally reached within 2 business days (many are reached in one day). Since my handlers don't like to have my beloved chocolate sitting in transit over the weekend, orders received Thursday through Sunday are shipped on Mondays.
You will receive an email shipping confirmation with your tracking details once your order has shipped.
Can I order your chocolate in the summer? WIll it melt?
My handlers take great care to make sure that your order doesn't turn into caffeinated fondue during summer shipping (although, I can tell you from experience that caffeinated chocolate fondue is scrumptious).
During the warmer months, my beloved chocolate is shipped in special insulated boxes with cold packs to prevent melting. Locations in the lower 48 states are generally reached within 2 business days, which further reduces melting risk.
Can I cancel my subscription or change the delivery frequency?
Absolutely, friend! You can cancel anytime or change the delivery frequency to as little as 2 times per year.
More Questions?
We are here to answer any and all of your questions and will respond within 24 hours.