Own The Night with Britt, Rosemary & Monique

Meet Britt!


Age ... 29

Lives in ... Columbus, Ohio

Works as a ... Full-time Healthcare Recruiter & PRN Nurse – Brain & Spine Unit

Has worked in healthcare for ... 8 years!

Finds joy at work through ... helping nurses start their travel nursing journey. Travel nursing gave me freedom in so many ways. I love bringing better opportunity and better pay to nurses and healthcare workers.

Night owl or morning lark ... Morning lark

Favorite AWAKE flavor ... Caramel 100%

Follow Britt on Instagram @britt.fit_rn

Meet Rosemary!


Age ... 34

Lives in ... Dallas, Texas

Works as a ... Emergency LVN

Has worked in healthcare for ... 7 years!

Finds joy at work when ... the patients I take care of thank me for being so sweet to them during their emergency care visit.

Night owl or morning lark ... A little bit of both!

Favorite AWAKE flavor ... Dark chocolate anything :)

Follow Rosemary on Instagram @_la_rositaramirez

Meet Monique!


Age ... 35

Lives in ... Halifax, Nova Scotia

Works as a ... Unit Resource Nurse

Has worked in healthcare for ... 11 years!

Finds joy at work through ... utilizing my experience & skills to better promote care. It brings me great joy to provide the best care possible to others!

Night owl or morning lark ... Morning lark!

Favorite AWAKE flavor ... All of them! But if I had to pick it would be Peanut Butter & then Mint

Follow Monique on Instagram @monique_hogan